Lattice is a cloud-native application platform that enables you to run your applications in containers using solutions like Docker.

Lattice includes features like:

  • Cluster scheduling
  • HTTP load balancing
  • Log aggregation
  • Health management

Lattice does this by packaging a subset of the components found in the Cloud Foundry elastic runtime. The result is an open, single-tenant environment suitable for rapid application development. Applications developed using Lattice should migrate unchanged to full Cloud Foundry deployments.

Install Lattice:

  • Download and install Virtual box
  • Download and install Vagrant
  • Download and install git
  • git clone
  • cd lattice
  • vagrant up –provider virtualbox (run this command from lattice folder)
  • This will take some time, when finished will show the message something like this. Note it for later usage.

Deploying a Containerized Spring Cloud app with Lattice

With Lattice set up, you will now install a Spring Cloud sample application into your lattice installation from Docker’s hub location.

  1. Point ltc at your Lattice setup by typing: ltc target <lattice address>
  2. LATTICE_CLI_TIMEOUT=180 ltc create spring-cloud-lattice-sample springcloud/spring-cloud-lattice-sample --memory-mb=0(0 means no memory limits. See for more details.)
  3. Scale the app to three instances by typing ltc scale spring-cloud-lattice-sample 3
  4. Visit and verify you can see the JSON service record. Refresh the browser multiple times notice how the uri attribute rotates.
  5. Visit and see a pared down record that also rotates the uri.

See for more details about the various CLI commands you can run.